Welcome to WRT Water Release Therapy®
WRT Water Release Therapy® is about the inward journey on the Earth plane. Warm Water is a gift to us all and it is what we are.
WRT Water Release Therapy® is one of the most profound therapeutic Healing modalities of our time. This Aquatic Art, developed by Diane Feingold, is the unique inquiry and unfolding design for each person, for each session from moment to moment. Diane’s healing touch, deep presence and open heart provides the willing client the space for full integration, personal healing and well-being.
WRT is an Aquatic Art with origins from the Stillness Base of Watsu®, the joyful bliss of WaterDance, Deep Presence, Breath work and Yoga.
WRT Water Release Therapy® is designed to release trauma, old patterns and holding stored in the body and mind. The client experiences the process of deep somatic release and a profound unfolding from whatever may be keeping one from living fully.
WRT Water Release Therapy® is about experiencing the magic of healing integration above and below the surface of the water. If appropriate the client is gradually taken entirely under the water freed from the bounds of cellular memory, biology and gravity where in this warm divine liquid light ~
“… neuroscientists and psychologists are now producing research data which backs up the awe and wonder regarding water.
Our brains are hardwired to react positively to water. In that being near it or in it can calm and connect us, increase motivation and insight, and even heal what’s broken.
Healthy water (inside and out) is crucial to our physiological and psychological well-being, as well as our ecology and economy…
It’s about reconnecting our sense of self and soul with our (internal and external) waterways and oceans … Awareness of what is so real and essential, so hidden in plain sight all around us, within us, all the time, above and below : ‘This is water”
~Blue Mind by Wallace Nichols