Discovering that despite the intangibility of the ‘idea’ of hope, and while living in the present; moment to moment …having hope can be a compelling and necessary additive for living life and living well. “Just as man cannot live without dreams, he cannot live without hope. If dreams reflect the past, hope summons the future.”
For two decades the Healing Waters of the World have been affecting ALL of us in profound and life-transforming ways; this is true whether we were aware of it or not. However, with the shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness Humanity has experienced in 2014, the Healing Waters of the World have taken a quantum
“… If you amplify the frequency of the matter the structure will change … ” Watch out who becomes the decision makers. Fear and Love: Fear = Low frequency vibration, limited potential Love = High frequency vibration, unlimited potential; check out the physics … “Da Vinci’s point that humanity must learn to see and