
Holding Loving Space: Diane Feingold talks about Aquatic Bodywork with Sara Firman

Aquapoetics is delighted to share with you a special audio recording (approx. 2 h) of a recent (2.9.13) in-depth conversation between Sara Firman of Aquapoetics and Diane Feingold creator of WRT Water Release Therapy®.

Please click on the link above or below to open a new tab for the audio talk.

Diane is a licensed Watsu®, WaterDance, and WRT Water Release Therapist® (her own modality) based in Santa Barbara, California.  She also teaches Basic Watsu® and her WRT Water Release Therapy®.  In addition, she is a Human Energy Design Life Coach and a Yoga teacher.  Aside from her credentials, Diane has a wisdom born of her heritage and life experience which she brings whole-heartedly to her aquatic practice and her teaching.

WRT Water Release Therapy® came into being at the start of the new millenium.  Diane describes it as ‘an Aquatic Art with origins from the Stillness Base of Watsu®, the joyful bliss of WaterDance, Deep Presence, Breath work and Yoga‘.  The conversation you will hear explores the background to Diane’s love of this work and dives deep into the heart of the experience of sharing this healing modality.

Diane emphasizes ‘the inward journey‘ and ‘the unique inquiry and unfolding design for each person, for each session from moment to moment‘. Her approach is oriented towards supporting and encouraging each person’s experience whatever that might be, rather than seeking to change or fix them. Topics covered include: what it takes to be truly present for someone, the significance of willingness on the part of a receiver, the nature of bodywaves, and much more.

Course details for WRT Water Release Therapy® are discussed in the second hour of the audio recording: you will also find a brief outline below. Later in the post is contact information for Diane, including links to her websites and networks where you can keep in touch with what she is doing.  Perhaps you’ll be lucky enough to have the opportunity to experience a session or train with her.

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